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Título Artículo The HBR agenda 2011 : What top minds will focus on in 2011Artículo de Revista
Parte de Harvard business review
Vol. 89 No. 1-2 : How to fix capitalism
Pagina(s) 47
Publicación Harvard Business School, Enero-Febrero 2011
Nota(s) CONTENIDO: Learning how the economy really works / Joseph E. Stiglitz. Pag.48. -- Finding hard ways to measure "soft" leadership / Herminia Ibarra. Pag. 48. -- Preparing for the big mobile revolution / Eric Schmidt. Pag. 49. -- Discovering-and lowering-the real costs of health care / Michael E. Porter. Pag. 49. -- Designing a $ 300 house / Vijay Govindarajan. Pag.50. -- Our irrational fear of the "unnatural"/ Dan Ariely. Pag. 52. -- A better stimulus plan for the U.S. economy / Laura D. Tyson. Pag.53. -- Making immunization work in poor areas / Esther Duflo. Pag. 54. -- Cleaning online conversation / Clay Shirky. Pag.54. -- A worldwide network for responding to the next crisis / Klaus Schwab. Pag.56. -- Instilling values in a youthful chinese workforce / Jack Ma. Pag.58. -- Crafting a rigorous approach to succession / A. G. Lafley. Pag. 58. -- Helping organizations develop better judgment / Thomas H. Davenport. Pag.59