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Título Vol. 89 No. 06 : how great leaders unleashEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Harvard business review
Artículos How customers can rally your troops : End users can energize your workforce far better than your managers can
Grant, Adam M.

Before you make that big decisions ... : Dangerous biases can creep into every strategic choice. Here's how to find them-before they lead you astry
Kahneman, Daniel ; Lovallo, Dan P. ; Sibony, Olivier

The innovation catalysts : The best creative thinking happens on a company's front lines. You just need to encourage it
Martin, Roger L.

Innovating on the cheap : A practical guide to creating new products without starting from scratch
Bettencourt, Lance A. ; Bettencourt, Scott L.

Segmenting the base of the pyramid : To succeed, you'll need to link your commercial interests with your constituencies' well-being
Rangan, V. Kasturi ; Chu, Michael ; Petkoski, Djordjija

Publicación Estados Unidos de América : Harvard Business School, Junio 2011
CodBarras Localización Estante Signatura Estado Categoría
010086669Biblioteca Fray Juan de Jesús Anaya Prada, O.F.M.Tercer Piso Disponible7 días