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Título Vol. 88 No. 07/08 : the effective organization : Turn great strategy into great resultsEmisión de Seriada
Parte de Harvard business review
Artículos Zappos's CEO on going to extremes for customers : The Idea : In search of high-caliber employees to staff its call center, Zappos relocated the entire company from San Francisco to Las Vegas in 2004. Here's why the move made sense. How I Did It
Hsieh, Tony

Empowered : In a world where one angry tweet can torpedo a brand, corporations need to unleash their employees to fight back
Bernoff, Josh ; Schadler, Ted

Power play : Acquiring real clout-the kind that helps you get stuff done-requires bare-knuckle strategies : To get anything done in a large organization, you need power
Pfeffer, Jeffrey

Finding the right path : Most companies default to the same approach for executing each new strategy. Here's a framework for your journey
Capron, Laurence ; Mitchell, Will

No, management is not a profession : Some business skills can't be taught in a classroom. They have to be learned through experience
Barker, Richard G.

The execution trap : Drawing a line between strategy and execution almost guarantees failure
Martin, Roger L.

How hierarchy can hurt strategy execution : Can you state your strategy?

"We had to own the mistakes" : Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz on the challenges of leading a turnaround at the company he made a household name
Schultz, Howard ; Ignatius, Adi

Innovation's holy grail : A few Indian pioneers have figured out how to do more with fewer resources-for more people
Prahalad, C. K. ; Mashelkar, R. A.

Stop trying to delight your customers : To really win their loyalty, forget the bells and whistles and just solve their problems
Dixon, Matthew ; Freeman, karen ; Toman, Nicholas

Stop the innovation wars : Tensions between your innovation team and core operations can derail your company's growth initiatives. Here's how to end those battles
Govindarajan, Vijay ; Trimble, Chris

How will you measure your life? : Don't reserve your best business thinking for your career
Christensen, Clayton M.

Job-Hopping to the top and other career fallacies : Experience
Hamori, Monika

Publicación Estados Unidos de América : Harvard Business School, Julio-Agosto 2010
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