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Título Vol. 84 No. 05 : how to be a great No. 2Emisión de Seriada
Parte de Harvard business review
Artículos Second in command : The misunderstood role of the chief operating officer
Bennett, Nathan ; Miles, Stephen A.

Creating new growth platforms : For most companies, ther's a big difference between the growth markets expect of them and the growth they can deliver through new product development or acquisition
Laurie, Donald L. ; Doz, Yves L. ; Sheer, Claude P.

Winning in the aftermarket : Tool Kit : Companies realize the importance of providing spare parts and after-sales services, but most could make far more in the aftermarket than they do. Here's how
Cohen, Morris A. ; Agrawal, Narendra ; Agrawal, Vipul

Change managent in government : Best Practice : Leaders of government agencies operate under handicaps largel unknown within the private sector. But the best of them have improved performance by adopting and adapting some goals and methods that have been proven in business
Ostroff, Frank

Why innovation in health care is so hard : Big picture : in any business needs a dose of creativity, it's health care. A systematic assessment of the industry's innovation ills suggests some remedies and offers a framework for thinking about the obstacles to new ventures in any business
Herzlinger, Regina E.

The five messages leaders must manage
Hammond, John S.

Publicación Estados Unidos de América : Harvard Business School, Mayo 2006
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010069443Biblioteca Fray Juan de Jesús Anaya Prada, O.F.M.Tercer Piso Disponible7 días