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Detalles del Artículo

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Título Artículo The 2002 HBR List : Breakthrough ideas for today's business agenda / In a chaotic year bursting with bold and unsettling new ideas, how should executives decide which ones to heed? The editors of HBR select seven of the bestArtículo de Revista
Parte de Harvard business review
Vol. 80 No. 03
Pagina(s) 58-66
Publicación Harvard Business School, Marzo 2002
Materia(s) Capacitacion de ejecutivos; Liderazgo;
Nota(s) CONTENIDO: History returns. -- Enter the everyday leader - at last. -- The internet is not about you. -- Mind your behavior. -- Don't delight your customers away. -- Games are for losers. -- Three cheers for creativity (sometimes)