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Detalles de la Emisión

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Título Vol. 81 No. 07Emisión de Seriada
Parte de Harvard business review
Artículos HBR case study : Do something - He's about to snap : Max's coworkers are convinced he's losing his grip on reality, and they're begging management to take action. There's only one problem: He's done nothing wrong
Roche, Eileen

A Better way to innovate : It's one thing to talk about throwing open your R&D doors. Here's how companies are actually doing it. Forethought : Idea
Chesbrough, Henry W.

Web surveys' hidden hazards : Companies are replacing paper surveys with web-based versions that can dangerously distort the results. Forethought : Best practice
Morrel-Samuels, Palmer

What makes global firms resilient? : The key is to make science of expecting the unexpected : Forethought : Conversation with Daniel Yergin

Capital Versus Talent : The battle that's reshaping business : Big picture
Martin, Roger L. ; Moldoveanu, Mihnea C.

What really works : Separate the facts from the fads : A groundbreaking, five-year study reveals the must-have management practices that truly produce superior results
Nohria, Nitin ; Joyce, William ; Roberson, Bruce

Supply chain challenges : Building relationships : A conversation with Scott Beth, David N. Burt, William Copacino, Chris Gopal, Hau L. Lee, Robert Porter Lynch, and Sandra Morris
Beth, Scott ; Burt, David N ; Morris, Sandra

How the Quest for efficiency : Corroded the market
Healy, Paul M. ; Palepu, Krishna G.

Causes and effects : Best practice : Companies are putting their names and resources to work fighting breast cancer and child hunger
Cone, Carol L. ; Feldman, Mark A. ; DaSilva, Alison T.

Pull the plug on stress : Managing yourself : We all know that too much stress hurts our health, our relationships, and our productivity at work
Cryer, Bruce ; McCraty, Rollin ; Childre, Doc

What venture trends can tell you : The venture capital industry is in for a shakeout- and smart outsiders are watching. Forethought : Trend
Meehan, William F. ; Lemmens, Ron ; Cohler, Matthew R.

Publicación Estados Unidos de América : Harvard Business School, Julio 2003
Nota(s) CONTENIDO: HBR case commentary: Is max a threat?/ James Alan Fox , Steve Kaufer , Christine Pearson , Christine Porath , Ronald Schouten.-- pag. 28-31
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010057586Biblioteca Fray Juan de Jesús Anaya Prada, O.F.M.Tercer Piso Disponible7 días