Lista de Resultados - Títulos con autor : Spreitzer
Lista de Resultados - Títulos con autor : Spreitzer

Hay 3 Resultados.

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1.  Creación de rendimiento sostenible
Spreitzer, Gretchen; Porath, Christine
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 90 No. 03, 70-75
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2.  Creating sustainable performance
Spreitzer, Gretchen; Porath, Christine
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 90 No. 1/2, 92-99
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3.  How to play to your strengths : You may have more to gain by developing your gifts and leveraging your natural skills than by trying to repair your weaknesses. Here is a systematic way to discover who you are at your very best
Roberts, Laura Morgan; Spreitzer, Gretchen; Dutton, Jane E.; Quinn, Robert E.; Heaphy, Emily; Barker, Brianna
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 83 No. 01, 75-80
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