Lista de Resultados - Títulos con autor : Sull
Lista de Resultados - Títulos con autor : Sull

Hay 4 Resultados.

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1.  Do your commitments match your convictions? : People usually reassess their priorities only after some personal upheaval- an illness, a divorce, the loss of a job. But with the right framework, you can think through your preferences long before crisis strikes
Sull, Donald N.; Houlder, Dominic
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 83 No. 01, 82-91
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2.  Managing by commitments : The actions you take today can pave the way to success tomorrow. Or they can lock you into a doomed business model. The best managers know when to make commitments- and when to break them
Sull, Donald N.
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 81 No. 06, 82-91
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3.  Orquestación estratégica : la clave para la agilidad en el escenario global
Ruelas-Gossi, Alejandro; Sull, Donald N.
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 84 No. 11, 38-48
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4.  Strategy as active waiting
Sull, Donald N.
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 83 No. 09, 121-129
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