Lista de Resultados - Títulos con autor : Roberto
Lista de Resultados - Títulos con autor : Roberto

Hay 4 Resultados.

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1.  Change through persuasion
Garvin, David A.; Roberto, Michael A.
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 83 No. 02, 104-112
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2.  Enfrentar amenazas ambiguas : las empresas a menudo ignoran las pequeñas señales que podrían o no presagiar un peligro para sus mercados o reputaciones. He aquí una manera sistemática de analizar y responder a las señales débiles
Roberto, Michael A.; Bohmer, Richard M. J.; Edmondson, Amy C.
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 84 No. 11, 84-92
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3.  Facing ambiguous threats : Firms often ignore small signs that may- or may not-portend danger to their markets or reputations. Here is a systematic way to analyze and respond to weak signals
Roberto, Michael A.; Edmondson, Amy C.; Bohmer, Richard M. J.
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 84 No. 11, 106-111
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4.  What you don't know about making decisions : Decision making is arguably the most importan job of the senior executive and one of the easiest to get wrong. It doesn't have to be that way-if you look at the process in a whole new light
Garvin, David A.; Roberto, Michael A.
En: Harvard business review, Vol. 79 No. 08, 108-116
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